
What to do / test on your computer BEFORE contacting TECMEND

For Computers: 

  • For any issues with programs, try the infamous REBOOT with the computer being shut down completely and turned back on & logged back in. (Everyone’s favorite!)  If the computer won’t shut down, hold the power button in for 10 seconds until it powers itself off.  Give it about a minute then hit the power button again to turn it back on.
  • If the computer won’t come on, check to see if the power cord is connected firmly to the computer.  Also try plugging the power cord directly into the wall socket instead of a UPS battery backup or power strip (they do go bad as well.)  Listen for sounds and see if you see any lights on the box come on.  If they do, keep going.  If not, call us.
  • If nothing appears on the screen, check to see if the problem is with the monitor and not the computer.  Make sure the monitor cable going to the computer is screwed in tight on both the monitor and the computer.  Check the power cord on the monitor as well to make sure it’s pushed in all the way on both ends.  Also, if the monitor is working, when you turn on the computer, you should at least see the computer trying to boot up with words coming on the screen and Windows loading.  If you don’t see anything like this when booting up, then the monitor is most likely the issue.  Try plugging in another monitor to the PC.  If same results, possible bad video card on the computer that would need to be replaced.  Call us and we can take care of it.
  • If Windows won’t boot up but the computer comes on, try tapping the F8 key repeatedly when the computer is coming on (right before the Windows loading screen starts).  A menu should appear having choices like Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking Support, etc.  Use your arrow keys and go down to the choice that says Last Known Good Configuration.  Select this one and hit the Enter key.  This will try to boot the computer back up with the settings that last worked.  Cross your fingers!

      If you can’t get on the Internet: 

  • See if anyone else is having the problem around you.  If so, it’s not your PC and has something to do with Internet box / router in the office / home or the company providing Internet is having problems (cut phone / data line at the street, etc.).  Give them a call and find out if they are having problems.
  • If no one can get on the internet, reboot the Internet box / router by either turning the unit off, wait 15 seconds, and turn it back using a power switch on it or by simply unplugging the power cord from the unit from the wall and then plugging it back up.  If you have two boxes allowing you to access the Internet, unplug both of them for a minute and plug them back up.
  • If it is just one computer that can’t access the Internet, see if that computer can access any of the drives on the server or see another computer by going to Network Places and viewing the Entire Network.  If it can, then it’s something with the settings on the PC that have become corrupted probably due to a virus.  If it can’t, then check to make sure that the network cable (big looking phone cable) that is plugged into the back of PC hasn’t come out.  You may want to disconnect / reconnect it and then reboot the PC. (Back to the favorite!)

Anything else that you experience or if these basic troubleshooting tips don’t work, you will probably need to contact us.  Hopefully we will be able to get it straight quickly and get you back to performing the work you need to do.  You can contact us at 855-787-7886.  Also, when calling, ask us about remote support where we are able to fix your computer without having to come to your office or home.  This may be a lifesaver for you!



What to Do When You Encounter a Stop Error on Your PC

If you are a regular computer user, you probably face a number of computer errors from time to time. Sometimes these errors are apparent and make sense, but at other times, they come in complicated forms that are difficult to understand. For instance, consider the stop 0×0000007b error. Somebody from a non-technical background will find it quite confusing and complicated. For the record, this particular error occurs when you move the hard disk of one computer to another that has Windows installed in it.

Before we proceed to the resolution of stop errors, let us spend some time understanding them.

Learning about stop errors: Stop errors are the error messages displayed when the system faces a severe problem. At that time, the screen turns blue, everything freezes, and you see an error message and code written on it. An example of this is the stop 0×0000007f error. This is also called the Blue Screen of Death.

Dealing with Stop errors:

A lot of stop errors are generic in nature, as in, they can be avoided by taking some regular preventive steps. As it is, one doesn’t need to be a computer expert to take care of even complicated errors like the 0×80070052 stop error. The following are some of the various simple steps to be performed in case stop errors occur:

Clean your registry – The registry is the most important component of the Windows system and is responsible for storing the settings for the system. Problems with the registry usually result in untraceable and difficult errors, such as stop errors. Often, we don’t give the registry a second thought because it always works in the background. However, it too develops problems and needs to be checked. What you can do is invest in a good registry cleaner, which will make sure that your registry is checked for errors thoroughly and that any errors found are quickly fixed.

Get rid of viruses – An antivirus is very important in fighting the various forms of viruses and forms the front line of defense for the Windows system. One piece of good advice is not to rely too much on freeware antivirus tools, but rather go for a truly professional protection, even if it might be expensive to begin with.

Update the device drivers – Updating device drivers regularly also helps do away with a number of computer errors. If you find it too complicated a task to carry out, you can purchase a good piece of third-party software to do this for you.
As this article has shown, stop errors aren’t something beyond the reach of the common computer user. In fact, given some time and the right guidance, everybody can handle these errors.

Tips to Keep Your Computer Running Fast & Smooth

  • Do not install software unless it is completely necessary. Extra software slows down your system. If you don’t need it, don’t install it. In fact, go into your control panel, select ‘Add/Remove Programs’, and remove any programs that you don’t use. Make sure that you don’t need it before removing it or consult computer services to be sure.
  • Do not install toolbars. If a program requests permission to install a toolbar in your version of MS Internet Explorer or Firefox, just say no. Most toolbars contain spyware and malware that will slow your system down.
  • Keep your startup programs to a minimum. Look in your system tray and see all the icons there (small little icons next to your system clock). Chances are, there are several programs that you don’t even know about. Configure those programs so that they do not run at startup (check that program’s documentation or consult computer services).
  • Run disk Cleanup. Run the disk cleanup utility by going to Start –> Programs –> Accessories–> System Tools about once a month. This will keep your computer clean and running fast.(In Windows 8, search for Administrative Tools under Settings)

How To Extend The Life of Your Computer

Here’s a little secret: Computers aren’t free, or even inexpensive. Getting the maximum lifespan from your computer is a great way to avoid an unnecessary expense. Like most other devices there are many simple things you can do to lessen the likelihood of your computer failing prematurely.

1. Don’t turn your computer on and off unnecessarily. Some people feel the need to power down several times a day. You don’t have to go weeks without turning off your computer, but frequent heating and cooling cycles can shorten component life. The key here is balance. Don’t restart too much and don’t leave on too long either. I turn my off every other day or so the computer can load updates and fix file errors correctly.

2. Blow out the fan vents regularly. A lot of air moves through those vents, and dust tends to build up over time. Keep the internal components cool is imperative to extending the life of your computer. Ideally, the dust shouldn’t be blown back into the computer. Taking it apart is the best method. If you’re not comfortable doing this, seek out a qualified computer repair specialist.

3. Use laptops on a hard service. Using your computer on a firm surface will keep the air vents unobstructed. Using a laptop on your lap or on a pillow would be a poor choice. Your lap generates heat and is soft. A pillow is soft and highly insulative. A firm table, out of the sun, is the best bet.

4. Use a surge protector. Many CPU problems can be possibly avoided with the use of an inexpensive surge protector. Unplugging during a storm or power outage is the best practice, but if that’s not possible, a surge protector can help.

5. Get a regular tune up. Taking your computer into a qualified computer repair specialist is a great way to increase the longevity of your computer. They have the specialized software tools and experience to find potential problems quickly and easily. You probably take your car in for a tune-up on a regular basis. Your computer would be well-served by the same.

6. Avoid eating and drinking while using your computer. Getting food or water down into your system can create all kinds of potential problems. Water and electronics never mix well. At the very least, blow out your keyboard with a can of compressed air regularly.

7. Use in a cool environment. Computer components hate heat. If possible, use your computer in a cool place. A 95-degree summer day isn’t the time to be using your laptop outdoors. The cooler, the better.

8. Use a good anti-malware program and keep it updated. Malware can cause all types of problems. With a quality anti-malware program, you’ll be able to keep a lot of potential issues at bay. Staying updated is important. There are thousands of malware programs released each day.

With a few simple actions, you can be assured of getting the maximum amount of utility from it before needing a replacement.

For more informative articles on Computer Repair and Service related topics you can visit our blog called tecmend.wordpress.com

Quick Fixes For Uncommon Computer Problems

While working on your Windows computer you may come across several common and uncommon error messages that may prevent you from working normally on the system. These problems may occur due to many different reasons and will require to be solved accordingly.

For example, runtime error 216 may occur if your computer is infected with a virus. To resolve such errors, you must do the following:

  • Update your antivirus tool.
  • Disconnect your PC from any network and the Internet—you may start your PC in Safe mode without network ability.
  • Run a full system antivirus scan and then get rid of all reported infections.
  • Restart your system in Safe mode and then run the scan again to ensure that all infections are removed from the computer.

At times, you may encounter error messages, such as:

“The flash component flash.ocx is missing” or “This application has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.”

These messages are displayed when a file required for a particular operation is either damaged or deleted from the system. In order to resolve such errors, you may perform one of the following tasks:

  • Update the software that is causing the error. You may search for the update on the software manufacturer’s website. If you need to update a driver, you may do it by using the Device Manager utility.
  • First, uninstall the software to which the files belong to and then reinstall it to ensure that all bad files are replaced with good ones. In case there is a problem with the uninstall information of your software, then you may choose to perform the removal by using a reliable third-party program uninstall tool. You may also choose to look on the website of your software manufacturer to see if any specific software to remove the product is available. If you find one, use it to perform the uninstallation.

You may also perform the following tasks to prevent these computer errors from generating.

  • Use the Disk Cleanup tool to scan and remove all unwanted files and folders. Using the tool you can get rid of temporary program files, temporary Internet files, outdated system restore points and deleted files stored in the Recycle Bin.
  • Use the Disk Defragmenter tool to consolidate the data stored on the hard disk and optimize the system for better performance.
  • Scan, clean and repair Windows registry problems with the help of reliable registry cleaner tool.
  • Check your hardware for problems by running various tests with help of a good PC diagnostics tool.
  • Disable unwanted startup programs that may unnecessarily feed on your system resources and cause program conflicts.
  • Clean your hardware components to remove any dust deposits from them to prevent overheating that may cause physical damage to the components.
  • Update your operating system, device drivers and other applications on a regular basis to not only prevent missing or outdated file errors, but also prevent malware infections.
  • Do not open email attachments that come with unsolicited emails.
  • Avoid going to and downloading content from unsolicited and dubious-looking websites.